And before you know it, I've missed a month in Blog World!
Sometimes you get so caught up in everything else, that you don't take the time out for things you promised to take time out for. What have I been up to? While going through it, it seemed like a lot but looking back it's really not that much. Some things did get completed though, such as the manuscript I was working on which is a huge relief; a quilling project that was long pending was completed and sent to the frame shop; wardrobes are in the process of being cleaned up; I joined and then quit an aerobics class within a month because it didn't meet my expectations (I am now walking and climbing stairs almost daily instead); and my parents were in town so spent time with them as well.
Bing Qing is now just Bing. He has grown in size and naughtiness. He loves to play rough with his 'brother' Rummy, loves to watch TV (if there's something interesting on) and tear up the newspaper, is always on the lookout to escape to the outside world, is no longer afraid of going out on the balcony, and no longer likes to sit on laps (although he'll allow us to hold him during morning cuddle time).
Rummy has gotten used to the idea of having a cat around, and enjoys his playtime with Bing. He even allows him to share his water and food bowl (unless there's anything very interesting in it). It is quite distracting for people who have to work to see them chasing after each other (yes, Bing chases Rummy once in a while!).

Summertime is here, and unlike a lot of places where it is welcomed with great enthusiasm, it is dreaded here. It is already so humid that showering becomes moot if you are not in an air conditioned environment all day (who is?). It has to be really urgent if I decide to step out without the car (or I need to be in a really nice frame of mind so that the heat doesn't bother me as much).
The coming weeks seem to be busy too. My sister is visiting this Easter weekend. The week after that, I will be making a trip to Hyderabad for a friend's wedding reception (for which I still need to figure out what to wear). I have a few things I need to give to the tailor, but before that I need to find a good tailor.
The list never seems to end. Having lived through times when there was no list, I'd prefer a 'full listed' life any day, as long as I remember to forget about the lists once in a while.